snow switch APS-4C

Automatic Snow/Ice Melting System Control integral GFEP

The APS-4C Snow Switch when used with one, or more, compatible sensors automatically controls snow/ice melting heaters for minimum energy costs. Applications include pavement, sidewalk, loading dock, roof, gutter and down spout snow/ice melting in commercial and industrial environments. The APS-4C is interchangeable with the earlier APS-4. The adjustable hold-on timer continues heater operation for up to 10 hours after snow stops to ensure complete melting. The optional RCU–4 Remote Control Unit can be located where system operation can be conveniently observed. It duplicates many of the APS-4C front panel functions.

  • High limit thermostat


  • Automatic snow/ice melting control
  • Satellite contactor interface for larger system
  • Energy management computer (EMC) interface
  • Accommodates MI, constant wattage and self-limiting heaters
  • Multiple sensor capability
  • Advanced patented and patent pending ground fault protection
  • Heater hold-on and test capability
  • C-UL-US
  • Simple to install and operate
  • Low energy costs
  • Minimum energy costs