Software information


MIB Files

The most current versions of MIB files can be downloaded via the following links.



REQUIRED: Enable TFTP Client (Windows 7/10/11)


Under Windows XP, the Environmental Technology Inc. script to update the firmware works fine. However, the script may hang and give an error under Windows 7/10/11. The error may be: “Wshshell.exec: The system cannot find the file specified.” This problem occurs because Windows 7/10/11 does not have TFTP enabled.

To correct:
• Click on [START]
• Click on [Control Panel]
• Click on [Programs]
• Under the heading “Programs and Features,” click “Turn Windows features on or off”
• Under “Windows Features” screen, scroll down and check-select “TFTP Client”; click [OK] to save and exit


Units received after 10/07/2016 can not be downgraded to previous software versions.

Units that can not use previous software versions have serial numbers greater than:
3596 for an ADH NETCOM
0852 for an ADH NETCOM NEMA
0156 for an ASM-1 Smart Manifold




2.20 (2024-07-25) This update is to due to changes in technology that required us to create a new circuit for the NETCOM. The update will work with both the new circuit and the old circuit of previous NETCOMs.

2.19 (2021-11-30) This update is to reduce the odor that occurs during regeneration on new units.

ASM-1 Smart Manifold

2.2 (2017-19-17) Version 2.2 fixes software Increased time-out for web page/unit communication from 1 to 10 seconds, to accommodate users with very slow links.



Previous updates are maintained for informational or troubleshooting purposes only. The most current release will always be a complete software update and not require previous updates to be installed first.


       2.18 (2021-01-20) Updated to accommodate new desiccant canisters, will now work with both            old and new versions of the canisters.

2.16 (2017-04-11) Version 2.16 fixes SNMP communication and polling error, also fixes Alarm Setting panel on the graphic user interface to display default settings.

2.15 (2017-02-03) Version 2.15 adds SNMP trap support for monitor and control systems. This version also adds support for a new pressure sensor that replaced an obsolete sensor.


ASM-1 Smart Manifold

2.2 (2017-08-02) Version 2.2 fixes software bugs that may cause a Smart Manifold to not act as expected. It is recommended that all units in the field with earlier software versions be updated.

2.1.6 (2012-06-07) Version 2.1.6 fixes software bugs that may cause a Smart Manifold to not act as expected.

2.12 (2011-09-30) Version 2.12 was the first released version.