Software updates appear on this website under the Support pulldown under Software. Click here to go to the Software page.
Below are the steps and warnings for updating the ADH Netcom Waveguide Dehydrator and ASM-1 Smart Manifold.
Navigate to our software page here. These instructions will also appear on the file download page.
- Download your desired file version and save it to your local drive, thumb drive, or similar media. For the purposes of these instructions, we will assume that you chose to save the file in your “My Documents” folder.
- Uncompress the contents of the zip file.
- Open the windows command window by clicking on start, run and type “cmd” then click OK. This will open a black screen window with dos command lines. You will also see a line like “C:\Documents and Settings\(User)\>” where (User) is the name of the directory the “My Documents” folder is in. A flashing cursor will be next to the >
- Using the windows command line:
- Change directories to the location you uncompressed the files to in step 2. You can do this by typing “CD my documents” and pressing return. The “CD” is the dos command for change directory to the directory you list. “CD\” should take you all the way back to the root directory (C:\). Typing “CD..” will take you back one directory (C:\Documents and Settings\). If you make a typing mistake and there is no directory if you hit the return then it will return the line unchanged.
- Type “cscript ncfirm.vbs” and press return. This will start loading files to the NETCOM. The is the default IP address of the NETCOM, which you can change later if you wish to suit your network. If you have already changed the IP address then use that address instead of the default.
- Wait for the command to complete. (This will take some time so be patient. Once the lights begin flashing on the dehydrator it is alright to exit the windows command line if you wish but the installation has another step so you may want to wait.)
- You will be prompted to wait for the front panel lights to stop flashing while the unit reboots. Wait for the lights to stop flashing before continuing.
- Using the windows command line:
- Type “cscript ncpages.vbs and press return. This will again start loading files to the NETCOM.
- Wait for the command to complete.
- Open a web browser and go to https://[your_ip_address or your_network_name]/. You should see the new user interface.
Windows 7 OS Note
Under Windows XP, the Environmental Technology Inc. script to update the firmware works fine. However, the script may hang and give an error under Windows 7. The error may be: “Wshshell.exec: The system cannot find the file specified.” This problem occurs because Windows 7 does not have TFTP enabled.
To correct:
• Click on [START]
• Click on [Control Panel]
• Click on [Programs]
• Under the heading “Programs and Features,” click “Turn Windows features on or off”
• Under “Windows Features” screen, scroll down and check-select “TFTP Client”; click [OK] to save and exit
Units received after 10/07/2016 can not be downgraded to previous software versions.
Units that can not use previous software versions have serial numbers greater than:
3596 for an ADH NETCOM
0852 for an ADH NETCOM NEMA
0156 for an ASM-1 Smart Manifold