Difference between 277 single phase and 277/480 3 phase unit?

The difference is the step down transformer that provides the power for the internal circuitry. On the 277 single phase the transformer is 277 VAC to 24 VAC and you will note that its primary winding is connected to the top and middle poles on the contactor.

On the 277/480 three phase unit the transformer is 480VAC to 24VAC and the primary winding is connected to the top and bottom poles on the contactor.

Consult a professional and or your electric provider to determine what configuration is needed.

APS single phase and three phase wiring

How do i turn the APS-4C into an ambient temperature sensing controller by using a thermistor rather than snow sensors?

All of the ETI snow sensors operate via temperature and moisture both.  However, you can control the APS-4C via temperature in the following manner:


  • Force the APS-4C to call for heat – Jumper or provide contact closure across terminals 20 (EMC Override ON) & 22 (EMC Input Common).


  • Set the HIGH TEMPERATURE LIMIT dial to the approximate temperature at which you would like the APS-4C to cease calling for heat.


  • When the High Temperature Limit Sensor (Terminals 10 & 11) senses a temperature higher than the set temperature, the APS-4C will cease calling for heat.  When the outdoor temperature drops below the set temperature, the APS-4C will again call for heat.


  • The APS-4C will continue to cycle in this manner until the EMC Override ON process is terminated.

The APS-C series systems are designed to turn on and off, as the weather requires heat to deal with snow or icing conditions. Although a thermostatic dry contact switch can be used to override the system on for temperature only, is not recommended since it will reduce the efficiency of the system. Running the heaters on cold days that do not have snowfall will not hurt anything but your budget.

If you must do so choose a thermostat with dry contacts that close when the temperature is below 40F and connect it to the override-on terminals of the EMC section of the Class 2 terminal block.


APS Snow Sensor Overide for temperature only
External contactors used with the APS-4C?

No, using external contactors will cause the GFEP circuit on the APS-4C to detect the inductive load of the contactors coil as ground fault and alarm the system every time the contactor is turned on. In order to increase the size of the application, a SC-40C satellite control can be used with the APS-4C without triggering the ground fault protection.

The APS-3C is designed without an internal GREP circuit so it will work with external contactors or direct heater loads. In both of these applications you must provide a GFEP breaker to power the heater circuit.


Flashing supply light.

A flashing supply light indicates a missing or broken High-Temperature Limit sensor. This sensor is required to make the APS-C series controller to work. It is required on all of the APS-C series controllers.

The sensor is not polarized and must be connected to pins 10 and 11. Refer to figure 22 in the manual. If the Class two terminals are black with screw connections problems can occur when the screws are over tightened.

sensor connections for flashing supply light
Delay between SC-40C and APS-4C?

Why is there a delay between when the APS-4C turns on and when the SC-40C comes on?

This delay between the APS-4C and the SC-40C is programmed into the system in order to reduce surge current. When the heaters are turned on they will have a large inrush of current for a few seconds. If all the heater circuits came on at the same time the inrush current could be large enough to trip the main breaker in supplying panel. This 5-second delay is meant to reduce this problem.

APS-4C connected to SC-40C

Snow light on SC-40C stays on longer than APS-4C

The snow light stays on longer for the SC-40C than the APS-4C because the APS-4C gets its command from an actual snow sensor where the SC-40C’s get their command from the APS-4C.

When the snow sensor’s moisture grid dries out, it no longer sends a snow present command to the APS-4C so it’s snow light goes out. However, the APS-4C remains on for the duration of the hold on time set on the front panel dial. While the hold on time continues the APS-4C continues to send a snow signal to the SC-40C’s and hold them on as well. When the hold on time is complete all of the controllers will turn off.

APS-4C, SC-40C connection for snow light
Is a snow sensor required for a SC-40C?

No, the SC-40C does not use a snow sensor, it is completely controlled by the attached APS-4C. However, the SC-40C does require the High-Temperature sensor Thermistor to be connected (or bypassed with a 470K-ohm resistor) in order for the unit to operate. The SC-40C only acts to extend the load capabilities allowing you to energize a larger heater area off a APS-4C unit.

SC-40C, APS-4C and snow sensor digram
Temperature sensor was not installed

The high limit temperature sensor is intended for two purposes, either as a slab sensor when the APS-C series unit is used for heating sidewalks, patios or drives or for ambient air temperature when the unit is used for roof and gutter melt systems.In roof and gutter applications the sensor is run outside the building and placed in a location that is out of direct sunlight and away from other heat sources such as air conditioners or

In roof and gutter applications the sensor is run outside the building and placed in a location that is out of direct sunlight and away from other heat sources such as air conditioners or vents.

In slab applications, this sensor is usually installed in conduit. If this was not provided for when the slab was poured then the alternative is to either use it as an ambient air sensor or bypass this function all together.

The High Temperature limit can be bypassed by installing a 470K-ohm resistor in place of the sensor on pins 10 & 11 Refer to figure 23 in the manual.

Can I simulate a sensor call for heat?

Yes, you can simulate a sensor call for heat to test the system by putting a jumper between pins 1 and 2 of the class two terminal blocks, the system will respond as if the sensor were seeing snow conditions. The snow and heat indicators will come on and relay or contactor will be pulled in.

How to simulate a sensor call for heat
Snow sensor not detecting snow outside?

There can be several reasons for this. First, start by checking the snow sensor supply voltage between pins 2 and 3 of the class two terminal blocks. It should be close to 24 VDC (the label on some unit incorrectly say 24VAC). If there is no voltage then check the fuse on the board behind the terminals.

If you have already simulated a sensor’s call for heat and the controller is not suspect then examine the wiring to the sensor, damaged wires can cause loss of signal from the sensor or power to the sensor.

Lastly, the snow sensors must see both a temperature below 38F and moisture on the moisture grid. High wind conditions can keep snow from accumulating on the moisture grid so consider how the weather is affecting the snow sensor. High accumulations can bury the sensor and allow the moisture sensors to melt a cave in the snow, which will not allow snow to touch the grid. This igloo effect will render the sensor inoperative. This effect can be reduced by the use of a moisture cup on GIT sensors and by placing CIT and LCD sensors at a slight angle to allow gravity to help remove excess snow.

Snow sensor diagnostics

Why do I have a red GFEP light on?
The GFEP indicator will come on when a ground fault occurs in one of the heater circuits. The insulating resistance of the heater cable is breaking down or the cable has been damaged allowing current to pass to ground thru an incorrect pathway. Left un-repaired the cable could cause a fire if it continues to be powered.

When a ground fault is detected the controller will not allow power to be applied to the heater circuits until the problem is corrected. You can isolate the offending heater by removing all the heaters and reinstalling them one at a time to discover the heater with the fault. An alternative to this method is to use a Meg-ohm tester and test each heater leg per the manufactures specifications.

You will need to contact the heater manufacturer for instructions on how to locate the problem and fix it. Most heaters can be repaired with repair kits or splice kits but the manufacturer will be able to provide the details.

How do I connect my SC-40C to my APS-4C?

APS-4C to SC-40C connections are done on the Class 2 terminal blocks on both units as follows.

APS-4C Pin SC-40C Pin Next SC-40C Pin

Connection from APS-4C to SC-40C
Connection from SC-40C to SC-40C
Why is the GFEP light flashing on my APS-4C?

This indicates that there is a ground fault on one of the attached SC-40C satellite controllers. The SC-40C that has the ground fault will have a solid red GFEP light and will not allow the heaters to be powered. Isolating the heater leg that has the ground fault is done in the same way as on the Isolating a ground fault on the APS-4C. If the light is flashing but there is no indication of a ground fault on the APS-40C then review the wiring of the communication wiring between the APS-4C and the SC-40C.

What is the EMC light for?

EMC stands for Energy Management Computer, which can be used to remotely monitor and control the APS-C series ice melt controllers.

These connections are made to the Class 2 connection terminal block on pins 14 through 22. The following diagram will aid in making these connections.

The EMC can use the override on and override off to turn the systems on and off and provides internal dry contacts for monitoring and alarms. For a complete description of how the EMC works refer to the manual page 18.

Energy Management Computer (EMC) Interface
The APS “C” Series interfaces with an EMC via relays. Inputs from the EMC include Override On, which causes heater operation, and Override Off, which inhibits heater operation. These functions are independent of weather conditions and the status of the Hold-On Timer. The interface provides five system status contact closures for the EMC including Supply, Snow, Heater, Alarm, and Temperature Limit.
Absent signals from the EMC, the APS Control Panel controls the heaters based on environmental conditions. Automatic snow melting control is the default condition of the system.
High Temperature Limit dial not turning unit on?
Why doesn’t adjusting the High Temperature Limit dial turn the unit on?

The High Temperature limit dial is used to set the maximum temperature that the unit will work at. When the High Temperature limit sensor detects a temperature higher than what is selected on the dial it overrides the system and shuts it off. This function can be used to further regulate slab temperatures in pavement applications and as a warm weather override when the system is used for roof and gutter melting applications.

High Limit Thermostat
The calibrated 40°F to 90°F (4°C to 32°C) high limit thermostat prevents excessive temperatures when using constant wattage and MI heaters. It also permits safe testing at outdoor temperatures too high for continuous heater operation. The temperature sensor is included and must be connected to the system for proper operation.
There are two DIP switch configurable operation modes for the high limit thermostat. The factory default operation mode uses the high limit thermostat as a slab temperature regulator, preventing heater operation at temperatures above the High Temperature Limit setting. The optional operating mode uses the high limit thermostat as an ambient air sensor, preventing heater operation at temperatures above the High Temperature Limit setting until the temperature drops back to within the set limits.
The details of operation in each mode are as follows:

Slab Regulating Thermostat Mode
• High temperature causes unit to turn off heaters, if running, and to ignore any call for heater operation from the panel, RCU, or EMC
• High temperature continues any hold-on cycle that was initiated before the high temperature condition. If the slab temperature drops within limits during the hold-on time, the heater will be turned back on
• In a high temperature condition, an APS will still initiate operation of connected SC–40C contactor(s)
• The Heater Cycle functions normally

Ambient Temperature Thermostat Mode
• High temperature causes the unit to turn off heaters, if running, and to ignore any call for heater operation from the panel, RCU, or EMC
• High temperature cancels any Hold-On cycle that was initiated before the high temperature condition
• In a high temperature condition, an APS will not initiate operation of connected SC–40C contactor(s)
• If the Heater Cycle switch is operated in a high temperature condition, the heater(s) will be turned on for a maximum of 30 seconds. A new Heater Cycle cannot be initiated for another two minutes after that.

Difference between 277 single phase and 277/480 3 phase unit?

The difference is the step down transformer that provides the power for the internal circuitry. On the 277 single phase the transformer is 277 VAC to 24 VAC and you will note that its primary winding is connected to the top and middle poles on the contactor.

On the 277/480 three phase unit the transformer is 480VAC to 24VAC and the primary winding is connected to the top and bottom poles on the contactor.

Consult a professional and or your electric provider to determine what configuration is needed.

APS single phase and three phase wiring


The APS-C series systems are designed to turn on and off, as the weather requires heat to deal with snow or icing conditions. Although a thermostatic dry contact switch can be used to override the system on for temperature only, is not recommended since it will reduce the efficiency of the system. Running the heaters on cold days that do not have snowfall will not hurt anything but your budget.

If you must do so choose a thermostat with dry contacts that close when the temperature is below 40F and connect it to the override-on terminals of the EMC section of the Class 2 terminal block.


APS Snow Sensor Overide for temperature only
External contactors used with the APS-4C?

No, using external contactors will cause the GFEP circuit on the APS-4C to detect the inductive load of the contactors coil as ground fault and alarm the system every time the contactor is turned on. In order to increase the size of the application, a SC-40C satellite control can be used with the APS-4C without triggering the ground fault protection.

The APS-3C is designed without an internal GREP circuit so it will work with external contactors or direct heater loads. In both of these applications you must provide a GFEP breaker to power the heater circuit.


Flashing supply light.

A flashing supply light indicates a missing or broken High-Temperature Limit sensor. This sensor is required to make the APS-C series controller to work. It is required on all of the APS-C series controllers.

The sensor is not polarized and must be connected to pins 10 and 11. Refer to figure 22 in the manual. If the Class two terminals are black with screw connections problems can occur when the screws are over tightened.

sensor connections for flashing supply light
Delay between SC-40C and APS-4C?

Why is there a delay between when the APS-4C turns on and when the SC-40C comes on?

This delay between the APS-4C and the SC-40C is programmed into the system in order to reduce surge current. When the heaters are turned on they will have a large inrush of current for a few seconds. If all the heater circuits came on at the same time the inrush current could be large enough to trip the main breaker in supplying panel. This 5-second delay is meant to reduce this problem.

APS-4C connected to SC-40C

Snow light on SC-40C stays on longer than APS-4C

The snow light stays on longer for the SC-40C than the APS-4C because the APS-4C gets its command from an actual snow sensor where the SC-40C’s get their command from the APS-4C.

When the snow sensor’s moisture grid dries out, it no longer sends a snow present command to the APS-4C so it’s snow light goes out. However, the APS-4C remains on for the duration of the hold on time set on the front panel dial. While the hold on time continues the APS-4C continues to send a snow signal to the SC-40C’s and hold them on as well. When the hold on time is complete all of the controllers will turn off.

APS-4C, SC-40C connection for snow light
Is a snow sensor required for a SC-40C?

No, the SC-40C does not use a snow sensor, it is completely controlled by the attached APS-4C. However, the SC-40C does require the High-Temperature sensor Thermistor to be connected (or bypassed with a 470K-ohm resistor) in order for the unit to operate. The SC-40C only acts to extend the load capabilities allowing you to energize a larger heater area off a APS-4C unit.

SC-40C, APS-4C and snow sensor digram
Temperature sensor was not installed

The high limit temperature sensor is intended for two purposes, either as a slab sensor when the APS-C series unit is used for heating sidewalks, patios or drives or for ambient air temperature when the unit is used for roof and gutter melt systems.In roof and gutter applications the sensor is run outside the building and placed in a location that is out of direct sunlight and away from other heat sources such as air conditioners or

In roof and gutter applications the sensor is run outside the building and placed in a location that is out of direct sunlight and away from other heat sources such as air conditioners or vents.

In slab applications, this sensor is usually installed in conduit. If this was not provided for when the slab was poured then the alternative is to either use it as an ambient air sensor or bypass this function all together.

The High Temperature limit can be bypassed by installing a 470K-ohm resistor in place of the sensor on pins 10 & 11 Refer to figure 23 in the manual.

Can I simulate a sensor call for heat?

Yes, you can simulate a sensor call for heat to test the system by putting a jumper between pins 1 and 2 of the class two terminal blocks, the system will respond as if the sensor were seeing snow conditions. The snow and heat indicators will come on and relay or contactor will be pulled in.

How to simulate a sensor call for heat
Snow sensor not detecting snow outside?

There can be several reasons for this. First, start by checking the snow sensor supply voltage between pins 2 and 3 of the class two terminal blocks. It should be close to 24 VDC (the label on some unit incorrectly say 24VAC). If there is no voltage then check the fuse on the board behind the terminals.

If you have already simulated a sensor’s call for heat and the controller is not suspect then examine the wiring to the sensor, damaged wires can cause loss of signal from the sensor or power to the sensor.

Lastly, the snow sensors must see both a temperature below 38F and moisture on the moisture grid. High wind conditions can keep snow from accumulating on the moisture grid so consider how the weather is affecting the snow sensor. High accumulations can bury the sensor and allow the moisture sensors to melt a cave in the snow, which will not allow snow to touch the grid. This igloo effect will render the sensor inoperative. This effect can be reduced by the use of a moisture cup on GIT sensors and by placing CIT and LCD sensors at a slight angle to allow gravity to help remove excess snow.

Snow sensor diagnostics

Why do I have a red GFEP light on?
The GFEP indicator will come on when a ground fault occurs in one of the heater circuits. The insulating resistance of the heater cable is breaking down or the cable has been damaged allowing current to pass to ground thru an incorrect pathway. Left un-repaired the cable could cause a fire if it continues to be powered.

When a ground fault is detected the controller will not allow power to be applied to the heater circuits until the problem is corrected. You can isolate the offending heater by removing all the heaters and reinstalling them one at a time to discover the heater with the fault. An alternative to this method is to use a Meg-ohm tester and test each heater leg per the manufactures specifications.

You will need to contact the heater manufacturer for instructions on how to locate the problem and fix it. Most heaters can be repaired with repair kits or splice kits but the manufacturer will be able to provide the details.

How do I connect my SC-40C to my APS-4C?

APS-4C to SC-40C connections are done on the Class 2 terminal blocks on both units as follows.

APS-4C Pin SC-40C Pin Next SC-40C Pin

Connection from APS-4C to SC-40C
Connection from SC-40C to SC-40C
Why is the GFEP light flashing on my APS-4C?

This indicates that there is a ground fault on one of the attached SC-40C satellite controllers. The SC-40C that has the ground fault will have a solid red GFEP light and will not allow the heaters to be powered. Isolating the heater leg that has the ground fault is done in the same way as on the Isolating a ground fault on the APS-4C. If the light is flashing but there is no indication of a ground fault on the APS-40C then review the wiring of the communication wiring between the APS-4C and the SC-40C.

What is the EMC light for?

EMC stands for Energy Management Computer, which can be used to remotely monitor and control the APS-C series ice melt controllers.

These connections are made to the Class 2 connection terminal block on pins 14 through 22. The following diagram will aid in making these connections.

The EMC can use the override on and override off to turn the systems on and off and provides internal dry contacts for monitoring and alarms. For a complete description of how the EMC works refer to the manual page 18.

Energy Management Computer (EMC) Interface
The APS “C” Series interfaces with an EMC via relays. Inputs from the EMC include Override On, which causes heater operation, and Override Off, which inhibits heater operation. These functions are independent of weather conditions and the status of the Hold-On Timer. The interface provides five system status contact closures for the EMC including Supply, Snow, Heater, Alarm, and Temperature Limit.
Absent signals from the EMC, the APS Control Panel controls the heaters based on environmental conditions. Automatic snow melting control is the default condition of the system.
High Temperature Limit dial not turning unit on?
Why doesn’t adjusting the High Temperature Limit dial turn the unit on?

The High Temperature limit dial is used to set the maximum temperature that the unit will work at. When the High Temperature limit sensor detects a temperature higher than what is selected on the dial it overrides the system and shuts it off. This function can be used to further regulate slab temperatures in pavement applications and as a warm weather override when the system is used for roof and gutter melting applications.

High Limit Thermostat
The calibrated 40°F to 90°F (4°C to 32°C) high limit thermostat prevents excessive temperatures when using constant wattage and MI heaters. It also permits safe testing at outdoor temperatures too high for continuous heater operation. The temperature sensor is included and must be connected to the system for proper operation.
There are two DIP switch configurable operation modes for the high limit thermostat. The factory default operation mode uses the high limit thermostat as a slab temperature regulator, preventing heater operation at temperatures above the High Temperature Limit setting. The optional operating mode uses the high limit thermostat as an ambient air sensor, preventing heater operation at temperatures above the High Temperature Limit setting until the temperature drops back to within the set limits.
The details of operation in each mode are as follows:

Slab Regulating Thermostat Mode
• High temperature causes unit to turn off heaters, if running, and to ignore any call for heater operation from the panel, RCU, or EMC
• High temperature continues any hold-on cycle that was initiated before the high temperature condition. If the slab temperature drops within limits during the hold-on time, the heater will be turned back on
• In a high temperature condition, an APS will still initiate operation of connected SC–40C contactor(s)
• The Heater Cycle functions normally

Ambient Temperature Thermostat Mode
• High temperature causes the unit to turn off heaters, if running, and to ignore any call for heater operation from the panel, RCU, or EMC
• High temperature cancels any Hold-On cycle that was initiated before the high temperature condition
• In a high temperature condition, an APS will not initiate operation of connected SC–40C contactor(s)
• If the Heater Cycle switch is operated in a high temperature condition, the heater(s) will be turned on for a maximum of 30 seconds. A new Heater Cycle cannot be initiated for another two minutes after that.


ADH NETCOM Software, version 2.20

Changes in this update:

This update is to due to changes in technology that required us to create a new circuit for the NETCOM.

The update will work with both the new circuit and the old circuit of previous NETCOMs.

This update includes all previous updates.


  • Updated Web Pages.
  • Optional Feature Added: Leak Recovery (Disabled by default).

After installing this update the main page should read:

Main Firmware: ADH 3.20 or ADH 4.20.3 (New Circuit)

Comm Firmware: ADH 2.20 or None (New Circuit)

Files included:































Installation Instructions

1. Download and save it to your local drive, thumb drive, or similar media. For the
purposes of these instruction we will assume that you chose to save the file in your “My
Documents” folder.
2. Uncompress the contents of the zip file.
3. Open the windows command window by clicking on start, run and type “cmd” then
click OK. This will open a black screen window with dos command lines. You will also
see a line like “C:Documents and Settings(User)>” where (User) is the name of the
directory the “My Documents” folder is in. A flashing cursor will be next to the >
4. Using the windows command line:
– Change directories to the location you uncompressed the files to in step 2. You can do
this by typing “CD my documents” and pressing return. The “CD” is the dos command
for change directory to the directory you list. “CD” should take you all the way back to
the root directory (C:). Typing “CD..” will take you back one directory (C:Documents
and Settings). If you make a typing mistake and there is no directory if you hit the
return then it will return the line unchanged.
– Type “cscript ncfirm2.vbs” and press return. This will start loading files to
the NETCOM. The is the default IP address of the NETCOM, which you can
change later, if you wish to suit your network. If you have already changed the IP
address then use that address instead of the default.
– Wait for the command to complete. (This will take some time so be patient. Once the
lights begin flashing on the dehydrator it is alright to exit the windows command line
if you wish but the installation has another step so you may want to wait.)

5. You will be prompted to wait for the front panel lights to stop flashing while the unit
reboots. Wait for the lights to stop flashing before continuing.
6. Using the windows command line:
– Type “cscript ncpages.vbs and press return. This will again start loading
files to the NETCOM.
– Wait for the command to complete.

7. Open a web browser and go to http://[your_ip_address or your_network_name]/. You
should see the new user interface.





The ETI Network of Companies (ETI, ETI Fab, and ETI Controls) is proud to announce the promotion of Jeremy Crawford as the Strategic Planning Manager. Jeremy has proven his leadership and sales experience within the workforce for the past 7yrs. He looks forward to this new opportunity to lead the Sales & Operations’ initiatives to streamline processes that ensures ETI continues to provide exceptional service to our internal and external stakeholders. Jeremy stated, “I look forward to driving continuous improvement within the organization while finding opportunities to excel in a global and diverse market.”

Jeremy received his Bachelor of Science in Informatics from Indiana University. He is currently seeking his Executive MBA from California State University. He continually accepts challenges that will enrich his knowledge and expertise to encourage development throughout the Company and ensure ETI’s initiatives align with the organization’s strategic goals.




The ETI Network of Companies (ETI, ETI Fab, and ETI Controls) is proud to announce the promotion of Dave Mays to Engineering Manager. Dave is a proven leader at ETI with over 30 years of experience working in engineering. Dave’s background and knowledge were vital in the creation of ETI products and ETI Controls’ PCB manufacturing.

Ben Crawford, CEO/President, stated, “Dave’s breadth of knowledge and experience will be at the forefront of developing new products, product enhancements, and all matters related to ETI’s technology. Dave aided in the development of the Snow Owl technology and continues to drive this into upcoming products. He will lead the team of engineers in applications from software to PCB board and mechanical designs.”

Dave stated, “I’m very excited about this new opportunity at ETI. ETI has established a great team of industry experts over the years, and it is truly an honor to work with them every day. With a continued focus on quality and product development, I see great things on the horizon for the entire ETI Network of Companies.”




The ETI Network of Companies (ETI, ETI Fab, and ETI Controls) is proud to announce the promotion of Crystal Bronstetter as the General Manager. With her experience through her leadership within our Accounting department, Crystal is dedicated to working closely with the Production and Supply Chain Departments by collaborating new initiatives that strive to meet the organizations strategic goals.

As the General Manager, Crystal is dedicated to challenging conventional practices and encouraging the team to explore new ideas for process flow. Her leadership style is focused on unlocking the team’s potential and propelling The ETI Network towards success. Her vision is to exceed customer expectations, thereby establishing new standards of excellence in the industry.


ADH NETCOM Software, version 2.19

Changes in this update:

This update is to reduce the odor that occurs during regeneration on new units.

While the issue(s) fixed in this version will not affect all installations, it is recommended that all units in the field with earlier software versions be updated.

This update includes all previous updates.

After installing this update the main page should read:

Main Firmware: ADH 3.19

Comm Firmware: ADH 2.19

Files included:




Installation Instructions

  1. Download and save it to your local drive, thumb drive, or similar media. For the purposes of these instruction we will assume that you chose to save the file in your “My Documents” folder.
  2. Uncompress the contents of the zip file.
  3. Open the windows command window by clicking on start, run and type “cmd” then click OK. This will open a black screen window with dos command lines. You will also see a line like “C:\Documents and Settings\(User)\>” where (User) is the name of the directory the “My Documents” folder is in. A flashing cursor will be next to the >
  4. Using the windows command line:
    • Change directories to the location you uncompressed the files to in step 2. You can do this by typing “CD my documents” and pressing return. The “CD” is the dos command for change directory to the directory you list. “CD\” should take you all the way back to the root directory (C:\). Typing “CD..” will take you back one directory (C:\Documents and Settings\). If you make a typing mistake and there is no directory if you hit the return then it will return the line unchanged.
    • Type “cscript ncfirm.vbs” and press return. This will start loading files to the NETCOM. The is the default IP address of the NETCOM, which you can change later, if you wish to suit your network. If you have already changed the IP address then use that address instead of the default.
    • Wait for the command to complete. (This will take some time so be patient. Once the lights begin flashing on the dehydrator it is alright to exit the windows command line if you wish but the installation has another step so you may want to wait.)
  5. You will be prompted to wait for the front panel lights to stop flashing while the unit reboots. Wait for the lights to stop flashing before continuing.
  6. Using the windows command line:
    • Type “cscript ncpages.vbs and press return. This will again start loading files to the NETCOM.
    • Wait for the command to complete.
  7. Open a web browser and go to http://[your_ip_address or your_network_name]/. You should see the new user interface.


Mason's banner

MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2023 (WESTFIELD, IN) The ETI Network of Companies (ETI, ETI Fab, and ETI Controls) is proud to announce the hiring of Mason Tran for the Marketing Associate position and the continuation of top talent that broadens our global ability to expand support and develop our products. Mason has proven his leadership and marketing experience through ETI’s marketing internship program and looks forward to continuing to drive ETI’s marketing efforts within a full-time position.

“Having the opportunity to work alongside Mason the past year made it evident that The ETI Network of Companies and all its partners would greatly benefit from his abilities.” stated Ben Crawford, CEO.  “He brings a dynamic look into the marketing of our products and a unique knowledge of product positioning. “

Mason received a B.S. in Business High Distinction with a Major in Marketing from IUPUI Indianapolis. With a multilingual background, Mason has achieved his professionalism and experience through working as a Teaching Assistant at IUPUI as well as creating his own content for social media platforms.

“In this company, success isn’t measured by the products we sell, but by the relationships we build. Our customers aren’t transactions, they’re partners in our journey. When they succeed, we succeed. Our shared story is our greatest success. And I am genuinely thrilled to be a part of this shared success, helping to shape the journeys of our customers, learning from them, and growing alongside them every step of the way.” Mason stated.

ETI Network of Companies Private Label Capabilities – Have a product idea in mind? We can build it for you!


For over 55 years, The ETI Network of Companies has been the premiere choice for OEMs seeking fully customizable private label solutions from a partner that has served customers reaching over 100 different countries.  Our products branch out in various sectors of the electronics, metals, and plastics industries. Backed by our track record of proven products, design engineering, enhanced product testing and our insular manufacturing and assembly concept, we provide cost effective, highly innovative, and highly dependable products you can rely on.  We can help from the beginning of product development and take your product all the way to UL & CE product registrations.  Let our team move with speed and eliminate timely delays in the development and manufacturing processes. Have a product in mind? We can build it for you!


Our global markets include Telecommunications, Satellite, Snow & Ice Management, Heat Tracing, and General OEM customized built controllers and sensors. Deemed “Essential Business” by the U.S Federal Government during the 2019 COVID-19 crisis, our products are relied upon and trusted in mission critical systems.  To further support our insular initiative our Network manufactures internally printed circuit boards, enclosures, mill/lathe machining, welding (Robotic, Tig, Mig), fabricating, stamping and complete assembly down to the finest details. Find out today why OEMs, Government & Military agencies around the world rely on and trust The ETI Network.

Did You Know?



Did you Know?  ETI Network has added two distinct manufacturing capabilities.


ETI manufactures and assembles much more than electronic equipment! ETI Fab can fulfill your machining, fabricating, and welding needs. In 2019, Fab was founded in Westfield, IN to take on the constant demands of machining and fabricating. This has allowed the Network to become more insular and better control product quality and delivery. Our diverse employee base has many years of experience in disciplines from metal fabrication to CNC machining with various materials, including ferrous, non-ferrous, aluminum, bronze, copper, and plastics. Check out the ETI Fab website for more information! Link:


Also established in 2019, the ETI Controls located in South Bend, IN, can design and build your printed circuit board needs.  With our new Surface Mount Technology fully automated line equipped with Automated Optical Inspection has the capacity and resources to completely build and assemble your electronic requirements. The Network has expanded into private label of custom controllers and sensors. This has expanded core capabilities and private label initiatives tremendously and allows to better control our supply chain.


Have a question? Just ask your favorite ETI Network salesperson for more information!

Robotic Multi-Station Weld Cell Acquisition Announcement

In an effort of improving safety, accuracy and repeatability, The ETI Network of Companies is proud to announce the latest acquisition of an OTC Daihen Robotic Multi-Station Weld Cell. With “Speed is Our Weapon”, the new Cell diversifies the types of steel, stainless steel and aluminum used at the ETI FAB facility located in Westfield, IN. Along with the new cell, Camtek Optisolutions software was chosen to accurately and efficiently produce tooling and fixtures to support the Robotic Weld Cell.  This allows the team to create and design prototype and production fixtures in-house.


OTC Daihen, Inc. has a long history and is well-known for precision, quality, and minimal weld splatter. “Automation and the concept of the Smart Factory is a goal that we strive towards building every day at The ETI Network of Companies. First and foremost, the new weld cell enhances safety while significantly increasing part production. Further, we strive for continuous improvement in product quality, reliability and reducing variation in our processes.  Our goal is to be responsive to customers everchanging needs.” – Ben Crawford, President and CEO of ETI.

ETI & ETI FAB Are Hiring!


Positions Available

ETI & ETI FAB are equal opportunity employers. We offer competitive wages and great benefits.


  1. Firmware Engineer

For more information, or to apply for these positions, please contact ETI & ETI Fab HR representatives, here:



  1. General Laborer Position for 2nd Shift; Monday – Friday 3PM-11:30pm   

For more information, or to apply for these positions, please contact ETI & ETI Fab HR representatives, here:


What type of wire do I need to extend my lead length? Sensor vs. Thermistor

When installing ETI sensors and thermistors, you may find that you need to extend the leads greater than what’s already provided from the factory. Because the Snow Switch sensors operate at a higher voltage and use higher current than the thermistors, the recommended wire gauge differs between the two. To avoid confusion, we’ve created this writeup to explain our recommendations for extending the leads on ETI’s Snow Switch sensors and thermistors. For Snow Switch sensors, ETI recommends #18 AWG wire for up to 500 ft and #12 AWG wire for anything greater than 500 ft. On several product datasheets, #12 AWG wire is limited to 2000 ft because the average sensor runs 24 volts at 250 mA of current to limit voltage drop and low current issues.


Regarding the temperature sensors (thermistors), the requirement differs because the thermistor runs at 5 volts and approximately 2 mA of current, which is a negligible line loss. The main difference resides in the line resistance. ETI controllers use a 100k ohm thermistor with a negative temperature coefficient, so when the temperature decreases, the resistance increases. Since the thermistors are used for snow melt and freeze protection, the range of resistance used is 2.7Meg ohms (-40F °) to 75.2k ohms (+90F °). This means a single digit degree change will be marked by a resistance change of between 800k ohm per degree on the cold end to 2k ohms per degree on the hot end.


Since #22 AWG wire (which is what is specified on the thermistor) has a resistance value of 16.5 ohms per 1000 ft, it can be observed that the wire gauge will not make a considerable difference in the measurement of temperature. This means it is acceptable to use a #22 AWG wire to extend the cable.


#18AWG wire is 6.51 ohms per 1000 feet of wire and #12 AWG is 1.62 ohms per 1000 feet. It is worth mentioning because the #22 AWG may be the most cost-effective solution compared to the #18 or #12 AWG wire.


With all of that said, if the wire meets the work requirements for insulation and protection of the wire and meets ETI’s wire recommendations, it is acceptable to use #22 AWG or larger to extend the wires for the thermistor, and #18 AWG wire for up to 500 ft and #12 AWG wire for anything greater than 500 ft for ETI’s Snow Switch sensor cables





No, the FPT 130 provides a summary alarm via a dry contact relay.  This relay is energized whenever the unit is powered.  So, with power off the NC contact is closed, and the NO contact is open.  When the unit is powered these are in the opposite state.  A fault will de-energize the alarm relay and close the NC contact.  This allows for a default, power loss alarm without power.




Sales Associate

(O) +1 574-999-1226

 If you have any questions regarding any of our products please feel free to contact me any time at +1-574-999-1226 or email me at



Establish communications with the dehydrator through the Ethernet interface (default IP address from the factory is and navigate to the configuration page.  Here you can change the low pressure alarm, low pressure limit, high limit target and high pressure alarm settings.  You can also select between psig or mbar and small or large system settings.


Why the change?

In an effort to become more streamlined and to do our part for the environment, ETI is moving to a paperless system for all of our product Data Sheets, Installation Guides and Manuals.  Moving forward, all of our product lines; Snow Switch, Tracon and Netcom, will have a scannable QR Code on them that will lead the end user and/or installation expert to the ETI Product Supporting Document Library.  The Document Library will contain the most up to date information on all of the products in addition to information on our Legacy products.  All of the documents housed in the Document Library are available to download and print at your convenience.

How does it work?



Need Product Documentation In The Field

If you have any questions regarding this most recent update to our procedures please feel free to contact our Sales Team , +1-574-233-1202 or send us a message using the ETI Chat feature on our website.



Heat Trace with Plastic Pipes

Heat Trace with Plastic Pipes

Heat cable can be used on plastic pipes but the plastic’s durability and thermal properties must be considered. Plastic has approximately 125 times the thermal resistance than steel but is also more susceptible to damage from direct high temperatures. The key to heating plastic pipes is to use a lower temperature and distribute it as evenly as possible.

It is always a good idea to use a heat trace system with an automatic thermostat and control, but especially so when using heat trace on plastic pipe. An automatic heat trace control can monitor and maintain the system’s temperature, alarm for problems, and shut off the heat cable to prevent damage.

There is heat cable designed specifically for plastic pipes that is self-regulating and has limited wattage. Self-regulating heat cables have a conductive core between two bus wires that becomes more conductive when cold. This system increases the power to the cold spots and decreases it to the warmer areas, which provides a more even heat source.

The manufacture of the plastic pipe should be able to provide information as to the maximum temperature and how close heat cable can be spaced or wrapped on the pipe to avoid damage. Some applications may require heat cable to be applied to opposite sides of the pipe at a lower temperature to distribute the heat more evenly, avoiding one direct area of concentrates heat which may damage the pipe.

It is recommended to install a foil material between the pipe and the heat cable to avoid direct contact and help provide a more even heating. If doing this place the heat trace control thermostat directly onto the pipe with no foil over it or between it and the pipe to ensure a more accurate reading.

You can use heat cable on plastic pipes as long as you follow precautions, such as determining your pipe’s thermal capacities, selecting a self-regulating, low wattage heat cable and using an automatic heat trace control with safety functions. Following these guidelines will help prevent damage and increase the life of your heat trace system.




Sales Associate

(O) +1 574-999-1226

 If you have any questions regarding any of our products please feel free to contact me any time at +1-574-999-1226 or email me at




The GFEP indicator will come on when a ground fault occurs in one of the heater circuits.  The insulating resistance of the heater cable is breaking down or the cable has been damaged allowing current to pass to ground thru an incorrect pathway.  Left un-repaired the cable could cause a fire if it continues to be powered.


When a ground fault is detected the controller will not allow power to be applied to the heater circuits until the problem is corrected.  You can isolate the offending heater by removing all the heaters and reinstalling them one at a time to discover the heater with the fault. An alternative to this method is to use a Meg-ohm tester and test each heater leg per the manufactures specifications.


You will need to contact the heater manufacturer for instructions on how to locate the problem and fix it. Most heaters can be repaired with repair kits or splice kits but the manufacturer will be able to provide the details.


Temperature Controller – GPT-130













The GPT-130 displays a number of alarms, beside the ground fault it will also alarm for low current.  If you have disconnected the load to trouble shoot a possible ground fault in the heater cable, then you probably have a Low Current Alarm and a very low default ground fault current reading.

You can tell the difference by looking closely at the display, it will tell you what the alarm is for.  If you want to clear the low current alarm so you can test the controller then go into the configuration menu and disable the Low Current Alarm.

Remember to re-enable the Low Current Alarm when you are done testing and ready to put the unit back into service.





Sales Associate

(O) +1 574-999-1226

 If you have any questions regarding any of our products please feel free to contact me any time at +1-574-999-1226 or email me at



Position Available

ETI is an equal opportunity employers. We offer competitive wages and great benefits.


  1. Parts & Service Specialist / Customer Service

For more information, or to apply for these positions, please contact ETI HR representative:

Pennie Ritter

Pennie Ritter

HR Manager

(o): +1 574-999-1204

(m): +1 317-519-5766


TUESDAY, SEPTEMEBER 29, 2020 (SOUTH BEND, IN) The ETI Network of Companies (ETI, ETI Fab, and ETI Controls) is proud to announce the promotion of Anthony Macri to Director-Engineering. Anthony is a proven leader at ETI with over 5 years of experience as an Electrical Engineer.  In his first year with ETI, Mr. Macri’s background and knowledge were vital in the creation of ETI Controls (ETI’s In-house Board Building Division).


“Anthony was influential on The ETI Network Grand Strategy creation and is now leading the execution of the plan” stated Ben Crawford President & CEO”.  We are excited he accepted the position and with his energy and skill he will create an environment of speed and innovation of ETI custom designed products while launching private label manufacturing for new customers”.


Anthony received a B.S in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology from Purdue University.  Prior to joining ETI, Anthony held the position of Electrical Engineer at Roush Industries in the Detroit area with a focus on wire harness automotive engineering. 


“I’m very excited about this new opportunity here at ETI,” Macri stated.  “ETI has established a great team of industry experts over the years and it is truly an honor to work with them every day.  With a continued focus on quality and product development, I see great things on the horizon for the entire ETI Network of Companies.”

September Is Sensor Placement Month At ETI



A great number of service calls come in with the common problem of the heaters not coming on even though it is snowing outside or there is ice buildup. After trouble- shooting the system it is discovered that the equipment is fine but there is no snow or ice on the sensor.


The proper placement of sensors is critical for the snowmelt system to operate. This is especially true if only one sensor is used, multiple sensors can be a little more forgiving for incorrect placement but to get the most out of the system it would be advisable to locate as many sensors in the “sweet spot” as possible.


The best person to determine the sweet spots for the sensors is the installer but to do so the installer needs to consider several parameters when considering the site and the final location of the sensor or sensors. These include but are not limited to:


          1.  Prevailing winds

          2.  Obstructions

          3.  Orientation of buildings and their affects on snow and drift patterns

Jeremy Crawford

Jeremy Crawford

Business Development Representative

(o): +1 574-999-1274

(m): +1 317-450-3200

1850 N Sheridan St
South Bend, IN 46628
+1 574-233-1202